Tuesday 6 December 2011

Ode to my teachers

Someone like a parent
  who drives from dark to light
Someone like God
  who bestows all blessings on us
Someone like a friend
  helps us in the path of life through thick and thin
Someone like a guide
  guiding and redefining us in and out
Someone like a trainer
  always implementing us to build our personality
Someone like a shadow
  in whole life remains somewhere
Someone special, delightful, nice and noble
  none other than my teachers
Specially dedicated to my mass communication teachers.


  1. Thank you Awon...Life comes full circle...I wrote a poem for my teacher once when I was in school...Never thought I'd receive the same gift some day.. I like the "someone like a shadow..." Yeah...wherever you guys go in life...we're always right behind you...cheering all the way...WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!
